I certainly can have some respect for someone that is honest enough to say that they don't know or they aren't sure whether God exists. Although I don't agree with those sentiments, at least one can say that they aren't claiming omniscience; and by definition their mind is still open to accepting God as their Creator. I do take exception, however, to those that command absolute knowledge to state the God doesn't exist. Their position is nonsensical, egotistical, bull-headed, misguided, and a gross and deliberate misstatement of known fact. In addition, atheists, in order to be true to themselves are compelled to the following moral guidelines:
1. If God doesn't exist, then your creation came by the union of your mother and father, therefore they are your god(s). Everything that you create, accomplish, and become must be done on behalf of your parents. You owe them your allegiance, your protection, your faithfulness, your money, your labor, and everything that you create of value. For things that you do that are negative, your deserved punishment by your parents shall be whatever that they deem necessary, be arbitrary or not, because you would not exist except for their creation of you. Without your god(s) you would be void, nothing, non-existent, and therefore your creation mandates an unending servitude to your god(s).
2. Upon your parents' death, everything that you do, accomplish, and create is owed to the State. Your rights, even if limited rights, are provided by the State, and they are entitled to everything that you have earned without limit and without end. Nothing is yours, since it is the State that gave you the rights that you have, it is the State that you will serve. Failure to voluntarily provide everything to the State, even if unrequested, is your obligation to the State, to which all your rights have been created from.
I suppose one could then say, for those that believe in our Creator, that the same basic moral guidelines should apply to them as to the atheists. But as Christians we are told to uphold Mark 12: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'"The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'" In regards to our responsibilities as representatives of the State, fortunately our Declaration of Independence states that our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable Rights granted to us from our Creator and not by the State. So the paths of Christians and atheists are not the same. Being an atheist encompasses a far more stringent and more circumspect set of guidelines because their god is of this world and of this state, and thereby atheists must live up to that standard in order to be true to their professed creed. Failure for atheists to uphold their obligations is a de facto admission that atheists hold themselves above their parents and above their State. This cannot be so, because their creation was by their parents and their rights are by the State. Atheists cannot be a law onto themselves, to do so, would be anarchy, hypocrisy, and apostasy.
Therefore all true atheists must bow their heads before their gods. To not do so is truly an egotistical delusion.