The following incident occurred to me on June 16, 2011.
On June 16, 2011 I was in the security line at LAX. As far as I could determine, each passenger had to pass through the Backscatter X-Ray Technology machine. (This is the machine in which you have to place your feet on the foot images and then have to put your arms in the air with your fingers of each hand nearly touching each other for 10 seconds.) The TSA representative made it clear that you were suppose to have no objects in your pants or clothes, so my wallet, boarding pass, carry-on luggage were not in my possession, but had instead gone through the security scanner machine. I had on no belt, no jewelry, and no shoes. I was wearing a dress shirt and slacks.
I was surprised when I was taken aside after going through the X-Ray technology machine. The TSA agent next to me had an earpiece and a small microphone. It was apparent that he was getting instructions from some other TSA representative. I was then told that they needed to pat down my buttocks which I allowed. I was further told that I had “four anomalies in my groin area”. This statement I found to be absurd as the specificity of the anomalies seemed completely out of place and the “reading” of my x-ray was a false flag, a smokescreen, or some misguided or misjudged attempt to fluster me. Next, the TSA agent took a flat white special paper with an arrow at the top of it and ran it over both of my hands, front and back. I was not told what this was for but I assumed it was for a check for explosive debris or drugs being on my fingers.
Next I was told that they needed to do a “private screening” of me because of the anomalies. I was not; at that point, even aware that private screenings were conducted for US citizens traveling domestically and was frankly puzzled by the “private” part which I considered to be not in my best interests. However, having taking a position of both being stoic and following Matthew 5:39 “resist not evil” I followed the TSA agent who now had a partner to a private room that was just past the security area. Before leaving, I was asked which bins were mine and the other TSA agent took those with him and brought them to the room.
Inside the small room, there was a table that the bins were placed on. I was told that they were going to close the door in order to conduct my “private screening”. I was further told by the TSA agent how he would touch my private parts, which was with his palm facing towards me. The TSA agent proceeded to pat me down over my entire body which surprised me as I was told the “four anomalies were in my groin area.” I was told to raise my hands, but midway through this pat down he told me to put my arms down “as I was not under arrest”. That statement was strange, as by definition a TSA agent is not a law enforcement agent. The TSA agent had on light blue gloves which eventually found their way to my genital area which was firmly brushed. I was not groped or fondled. He then took another white special paper with an arrow at the top of it and ran it over both of his hands and left the room.
This left me alone with the other TSA agent who I had designated as ‘good cop’ because of his desire to make small talk with me. I assumed that the room was bugged but I did not know if it was.
Eventually, the other TSA agent returned, he told me that I could leave. I was never given the results of my “tests”. I was never told as to why they were unable to find the “four anomalies in my groin area”. I was never apologized to.
I collected my things and left. It was my belief that they weren’t checking for explosives but that they were instead checking for drug residue with the swabbing. It is also my belief that “four anomalies in my groin area” was a deliberate false statement and in fact, a code for me to be treated the way that I was dealt with.
Since this episode, I have gone to the TSA site and clearly the TSA did not follow its own rules. To wit:
1. It’s my option to go to a private room or not. That option was never given to me.
2. It’s my option to have a witness to the “private screening”—that option was never given to me. Instead, I had two male TSA agents in the same room, interrogating me.
3. I was swabbed w. the white paper device not once but twice. “Under the Constitution, searches in airports are only for the purpose of protecting the security of airline transportation; they are not general law enforcement stops.”
All of this that I went through was for nothing. I had nothing on my person and this was simply a violation of my rights, a sign of the decay of American ideals and dreams, and the use of arbitrary power directed at me from an unidentified person with what appears to be immunity for the decisions that are made from their remote room and in which I as a person have no right to confront or question.
These are the signs of a police state.